About Generations Home Repair - Longmont CO

Since 2010, Generations Home Repair has delivered premium products, quality workmanship and unparalleled service, before and after the sale – all at an affordable price. The satisfaction of our clients is critical to our continued success. In fact, we owe our business growth to repeat customers and referrals from happy clients throughout Boulder, Denver, Ft Collins We are proud to be the local home improvement company of choice for the Longmont Area.

​Our Mission:

Generations Home Improvement is committed to providing unsurpassed customer service with the absolute best home improvement value, employing happy and knowledgeable people, and observing state and municipal building code regulations as well as upholding the highest ethical standards in the industry.

OUR CUSTOMER is the most important person in our business.
OUR CUSTOMER is not dependent upon us; we are dependent upon them.
OUR CUSTOMER is not an interruption of our work; they are the purpose of it.
OUR CUSTOMER is not an outsider; they are part of our business.
OUR CUSTOMER is not a cold statistic.
OUR CUSTOMER has wants; it is our job to fulfill those wants.
OUR CUSTOMER is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can provide.
OUR CUSTOMER is the lifeblood of our business; without them we have no business.
Generations Home Repair